What is L Carnitine?

What is L Carnitine?
L Carnitine is a useful substance for athletes in burning fat and recovering more quickly from post-workout or post-sports DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness), that is, muscle pain. L Carnitine, which has a very limited fat burning capacity on its own, provides much more effective fat burning when combined with other thermogenic substances.
What is the Benefit of L Carnitine Fat Burner?
L Carnitine is an amino acid. It is produced in the body from lysine and methionine and is found in other foods, especially meat products. L Carnitine is known for helping with mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids.
L Carnitine amino acid has many functions in the body other than burning fat . It helps in the body's general energy mechanism, mental functions and in relieving muscle pain after training. L Carnitine has been shown to reduce ammonia levels, known as Ammonia, and improve various values indicating hepatic encephalopathy symptoms and liver functions, which are frequently seen in cirrhosis patients.
What are the benefits of L Carnitine Fat Burner? In what cases is it used?
L-carnitine, synthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine, which help burn fat, is an amino acid-like compound.
L Carnitine fat burner product:
- Those who want to lose weight and get in shape,
- Athletes who are involved in bodybuilding and fitness,
- Older people,
can be used by.
L Carnitine Fat Burner Contributes to Weight Loss
As a supplement , L-Carnitine alone is not a very effective substance in burning fat. It works synergistically with other active ingredients and will be beneficial in burning fat together with regular exercise and diet.
L Carnitine Contributes to Fat Burning Muscle Building
L Carnitine is a useful substance for faster recovery from muscle pain known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness) that occurs after training and sports. In the Anabolism-Catabolism cycle, which is the basic rule of muscle development and construction, the faster the catabolism, that is, muscle pain and destruction, recovers, the faster the anabolism construction process will begin. Yes, l carnitine contributes to muscle development, albeit indirectly.
What are the Types of L Carnitine Fat Burners?
L Carnitine is known for its ability to aid in the mitochondrial oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. Although there are many different types of L Carnitine, such as L-Carnitine HCl , Tartrate, N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), and Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine (GPLC), the main active ingredient is L-Carnitine. In addition to the most common form, liquid L Carnitine, it is also available in powder, capsule, and tablet forms.
How to Use L Carnitine Fat Burning Thermogenic Products?
The recommended daily dose is 500-2000 mg. It is recommended to take it before regular pre-workout or sports. It will be much more beneficial to take it early in the morning before sports. Athletes who want to see advanced benefits should prefer thermogenics containing l carnitine as fat burners. Remember, not every product containing caffeine or taurine is a thermogenic fat burner.
We recommend that you use Nutrade L-Carnitine Xtreme 3000 Thermogenic Fat Burner once a day, preferably before your morning workout. You can continue burning fat throughout the day with your morning workout and thermogenic fat burner .
L Carnitine Fat Burner Prices?
Prices vary depending on the liquid, powder or capsule form and other auxiliary thermogenic fat burning substances it contains. The number of servings, the amount of active ingredient and the quality of the raw materials used play a determining role in prices. The legendary thermogenic fat burner Nutrade L-Carnitine Xtreme3000 is offered for sale at www.nutrade.com.tr with prices starting from 99 TL.
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