Can You Do Exercise While Fasting During Ramadan? Which Supplements Should Be Used and How to Avoid Muscle Loss During Ramadan?

Fasting changes the daily diet. In general, if there is no diet like Intermittent Fasting, many things will change, from our workout quality and desire to our daily energy capacity. Nutrition is a direct factor in this.
Athlete nutrition and food supplements can also provide convenience if used correctly during the time period when we restrict our meal times and spend time fasting.
The basis of sports nutrition is to use the nutrients we can get from normal foods more effectively by taking them in more concentrated or different forms. For example, we can get BCAA from any cheese or chicken. However, free form BCAA , which is sports nutrition, does not require digestion and unlike chicken/meat, instead of taking it slowly after a digestion that lasts 6-8 hours, it is directly absorbed and ready for the body to use at the time it is needed.
Our changing eating, sleeping and training habits during Ramadan negatively affect muscle development. We can turn this period to our advantage by making very simple changes, with minimal loss and even development. We can keep muscle loss to a minimum and even achieve muscle development while fasting during Ramadan.
How Should Supplements Be Consumed During Ramadan?
We can apply the basic principles of what we do to convert the destruction experienced after training , i.e. catabolism, into anabolism and increase muscle protein synthesis during this period. We can use products such as EAA, BCAA, Glutamine, Arginine and Post-Workout. Pre-workout products such as Pre-Workout should be timed very well and used. If fitness will be after iftar in Ramadan, the effect of pre-workout products will decrease and may cause insomnia. Products such as protein powder and weight gainers can be used during Ramadan.
How Should Athlete Nutrition Be During Ramadan?
After breaking your fast with dates and water at Iftar, free form amino acids such as EAA, BCAA, Glutamine, Arginine or a Post-Workout containing all of these will provide the fastest absorption and prevent catabolism. You can eat your normal meal after 5 minutes.
How Much EAA, BCAA, Glutamine Arginine or Post-Workout Should I Consume When Breaking the Fast at Iftar?
Depending on the amino acids you have, you can take 8-10 grams of EAA or 8-10 grams of BCAA , 8-10 grams of Glutamine , 3-5 grams of Arginine. You can also mix them and consume them or use 1 serving of Post-workout product directly. What you need to pay attention to here is not to take these supplements after a meal. Taking them before a meal will increase absorption.
How Should Protein Intake Be During Ramadan?
In order not to lose muscle during Ramadan, we recommend that you take in your daily protein needs during Ramadan. After breaking the fast, whey protein can be consumed as an alternative to supplements such as EAA and BCAA. However, since free form amino acids do not require digestion, they will be a much better alternative. It would also be wrong to break the fast with a protein source that takes a long time to digest, such as casein. It is more appropriate to use it during sahur.
How Should Carbohydrate Consumption Be During Ramadan?
The amount of carbohydrate consumption generally increases during Ramadan. If you have a Ramadan weight loss goal, you can reduce carbohydrates a little more during this period. More complex carbohydrates and unprocessed foods can also be preferred.
What are the Methods to Prevent Weight Gain During Ramadan?
The first goal is not to exceed your daily calorie needs. Also, as we mentioned in the section on carbohydrate consumption during Ramadan, the source of carbohydrates should be chosen correctly. Physical activity and training should be well planned with the right dose.
So, Should I Consume Creatine While Breaking My Fast During Ramadan?
Creatine is an amino acid that has a problematic absorption due to its structure. If the use of creatine is not planned correctly during Ramadan, when many nutrients are taken in a short period of time, it will cause more harm than good. Since it reduces the absorption of other nutrients and increases ammonia, we recommend that you do not use it during this period.
What Kind of Diet Should I Follow After Iftar and During Sahur?
After breaking your fast with water and dates at Iftar, our advice is to start with 8-10 grams of EAA or BCAA or post-workout products and then not to go beyond your general nutrition at Iftar. In other words, eat the normal foods you always eat. Consume sweets and similar foods in moderate amounts or even not at all.
You can have snacks until sahur, you can get protein and carbohydrates according to your goal. You can use Whey Protein or Mass Gainer or you can also consume normal meals.
Our recommendation for sahur is to take supplements that do not require digestion such as BCAA and EAA , fast-digesting protein sources such as whey protein and egg protein, and protein sources with a long digestion time including meat or casein.
What Should I Do to Lose Weight During Ramadan?
It is possible to lose weight during Ramadan. This is basically related to the diet to be applied and the daily calorie intake. It is necessary to pay attention to our nutrition during Ramadan and avoid unnecessary sweets and heavy meals. Although dieting and exercising during Ramadan is not easy, it is quite possible with a well-planned plan.
When Should We Exercise During Ramadan?
Although exercising during Ramadan may seem like a problem, you can solve this problem with two basic criteria. Diet and exercise should be well planned during Ramadan. First of all, exercise before iftar or exercise after iftar? You have to decide. If you are going to do fitness before iftar, we recommend that you do it as early as possible. If you are thinking of doing sports after iftar, the most important thing to consider during iftar is the amount and type of meal. We recommend that you do not eat heavy or too much during iftar. We recommend that you wait at least two hours before going to the gym. If you plan your fitness plan for after iftar during Ramadan, you can do shorter workouts with fewer sets.
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